super simple vegan + gluten free tofu meal prep

super simple vegan + gluten free tofu meal prep

This is one of my go-to meal preps for the week – it pairs well with almost anything! Toss it in a salad, in a wrap, on top of a stew or simply enjoy as a high-protein snack 🙂

Before you skip past this because you hate tofu, let me tell you that was once me – the hassle of draining a massive white block for something with no taste was not appealing AT ALL! But now, I’ve learned (1) how to make it in a way that tastes good, (2) tips for buying tofu to avoid lots of hassle when it comes to prepping it and (3) that tofu is such a good source of plant-based protein and calcium both of which are so important for our diets.

Let me know how you like it 🙂

super simple tofu meal prep

super simple vegan + gluten free tofu meal prep

This is one of my go-to meal preps for the week – it pairs well with almost anything! Toss it in a salad, in a wrap, as a side with some roasted veggies or simply enjoy as a high-protein snack 🙂
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course meal prep, Side Dish
Cuisine gluten free, plant based, vegan


  • 1 block extra firm tofu make sure you buy extra firm to minimise time required to drain the tofu! I also recommend buying organic wherever possible. If you're in the UK, I love the Tofoo extra firm organic tofu – link in the notes below 🙂
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • sprinkle of salt
  • sprinkle of pepper

optional ingredients

  • 1 tbsp basil or oregano
  • 1 tsp garlic powder


  • Wrap your block of tofu in a clean towel and lightly press the excess water out. I usually wrap and unwrap twice before slicing.
  • Slice your tofu block into small cubes (about 1/2 inch to 1 inch wide)
  • Heat pan on low/medium heat and drizzle with olive oil
  • Stir tofu around to coat with oil evenly
  • Add lemon juice, salt, pepper and any optional ingredients
  • Continue to cook on low/medium heat, tossing regularly so the bottom doesn't burn and stick to the pan. If this happens, that means your pan is probably too hot or you need to add a little more olive oil. I usually cook my tofu for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
  • Let tofu cool completely before storing in an airtight container for the week. Add to salads, pair with roasted veggies, add to a wrap or enjoy as a protein packed snack!


Link to Tofoo extra firm tofu
Keyword clean eating, easy vegan recipes, gluten free, healthy, meal prep, protein, tofu, vegan